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How To Create The Perfect Bob

July 25, 2022

What is a perfect bob haircut? because I'm sure if you ask 10 different people they may tell you 10 different styles. Which is why a bob haircut is vastly popular when there really are so many different types of bob's with different hair length that could be the perfect bob for you.

We think the real question here is, What is the perfect bob for my expectations and my hair type? Because you can expect a perfect bob to look like that perfect photo you have shown as a reference, but what's behind that photo to create that perfect bob is what we really need to point out for you.

You can get that perfect bob on all different hair types being thick, thin, wavy, or curly. So let's go through those tricks, tips, haircutting techniques or styling techniques to get that "Perfect Bob".

Tips for cutting

Changing up your scissors to achieve better results for that perfect bob is the secret to achieving the perfect bob. 

It's also important to really sit down and have a conversation with your client prior to cutting and asking for a reference image is always a good place to start. You need to be asking questions like, Will you be styling and blow-drying your hair at home? because their perfect bob style may need some upkeep. Do they still want to be able to tie their hair back? as that will determine the length of their long bob. If their hair is thin through the sides, have they considered hair extensions in their hair to thicken up areas. These are just more than a few topics to bring up with your client..

Haircutting Techniques

So what hair cutting techniques will help you achieve your client's and your idea of that Perfect Bob? Well let's discuss that a little deeper here..

Blunt Cutting

Blunt cutting bob's are for those long bob or even short bob styled haircuts but with no layering. We love a blunt bob for those clients whose hair is on the thinner side and would love it to look as thick as possible. A blunt cut will ultimately give you that sleek bob finish you are after.

The best scissors for cutting a blunt bob would be you Traditional Salon Shears, Barber Shears or Precision Cutting Shears.

Concave or Gradation Cutting

Ever wondered how a hair stylist cuts your hair so perfectly that the ends tucked in easily when you styled it at home which makes your life easier or after a haircut all your hair ever wants to do is flick out which can be frustrating. Well this is the difference between blunt cutting (that sometimes causes a flick at the ends) or Concave/ Graduation cutting that shapes the hair to tuck under.

Concave cutting can also be seen more dramatically when the hair is graduated from shorter to longer at the back (travelling upwards), giving the that tapered look into the back of the neck. Graduation cutting and concave cutting can be used in many different ways to achieve longer or shorter effect's. No matter the length with this hair cutting technique, you will always get shape at those ends that won't typically sit straight after this technique.

Layering or Texturing

If your idea of a perfect bob is a layered or a textured bob haircut with layers, then this is the style for you. You may find you have medium to thick hair that never has a body and sits flat, well adding layers or texture into a bob will fix this problem right up for you. 

You can really have fun with layers on all different types of bob styles. If you really wanted to texture those layers then using yourTexturizing Scissors on this style will take your bob from layered to textured real quick. Long hair or short hair bob cuts, straight hair or shorter layers will all be a great option for layers, if that's the desired look you are after.

If you like the slide cut layering then consider tryingSlide Cutting Shears, the blend and ease you will get from usingSlide Cutting Shears is like no other. Check out our VG10 Sliders HERE


Blending or Softening

Blending or softening a bob is an easy trick to getting that bob to sit perfectly. The best way to blend or soften your bob haircut is to use yourThinning Scissorsto remove any unwanted weight for the haircut that will result in a smoother and seamless finish. If your client loves that blunt look to their ends then Thinning Scissors are a great way to soften any harsh lines through the haircut and to shape the ends so they wont flick out.

SoThinning Scissors are not only for Thinning, even though they do a great job at it! YouThinning Scissors can even be used on fine hair that needs softening through blunt areas instead of point cutting.

Adding hair extensions

You don't have to have thick hair for some hairstyles to work for you, sometimes all you need is hair extensions in the right places. You can add thickness with bond hair extension or tapes which are better suited to filling in gaps or adding thickness to the side of the haircut. If you're needing an all over thickness then only one row of weft track extensions is enough.

If your client is one to always style  or blow-dry their hair at home or a salon then adding extensions will help hold those loose curls or tucked under blow-dry for longer. Natural hair without extensions will drop in volume and shape sometime nearly as quickly as the next day (If you are unlucky).

How to style

Talking about styling, the best way to show off that perfect bob is a freshblow-dry of flat ironing straight after the hair has been freshly washed. Hair products likedry shampoo, Volumizing powder on the roots will help hold your blowdrys and when the hair is wet usinghair oils and heat protectants to treat and protect the hair. Using the right hair product in the right way is the best way to get the most out of your blow-dry and to keep that perfect bob in shape all week. Like using Dry shampoo before your hair gets oily and sealing in a blow dry with a touch of hairspray at the end.


Important to remember 

So there you have it, the perfect way to figure out yours or your client "Perfect Bob". You can know all the right tricks and lingo to figure this out, but we always think it's important to remind our fellow hairstylists the importance of maintaining their tools also. You can't cut a Perfect Bob with Blunt Scissors. So remember to maintain those shears by regularly oiling, cleaning and sharpening them to be able to get the best out of your shears and cutting the most perfect Bobs for yourclient’s

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